Growth & fulfillment

Articles and Essays

Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

Is the world the way it is, or is it the way you see it?

To change actions, we must include entering into the realm of the person that is acting; observe how we are observing ourselves, the world, and the way we are showing up and interacting inside of it. The BEL model: body, emotions, and language, provides us with a simple and powerful way to integrate the elements that make up the ontological dynamic which is to be.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

Forget Survive and Start to Thrive

The US government revealed its strategic defense plan against a zombie invasion, CONPLAN 8888-11, in 2011. It sounds like a bad joke, but it’s not. … using an unknown and unreal scenario to break old paradigms, systematic schemes, and the usual mindset.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

Mentalidad Agile; resultados extraordinarios

Probablemente estás pensando que de una u otra forma, tú, y tu organización, ya son Agile e implementan la metodología.

La belleza, y poder de estos sistemas, es que se basan en algo que ya conocemos, lo usamos a diario, y quizás lo mas importante, o por lo más interesante, es que funciona sin duda alguna. La clave es aprovechar la ventaja que nos presenta este mapa visual de algo que, para muchos, hasta ahora ha sido inconsciente.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

It´s not that hard to say goodbye

“He is lucky to have you”, is one of the nicest things I’ve ever been told. In reality, I am the one who feels lucky. I have been on a quest to heal my inner child in recent years. As I love my son and learn to be a better parent, I am also loving and learning to parent myself.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

Rescuing my inner child

Being free to feel my feelings and live fully was exciting. But at the same time, I had no idea how to live without my armor. How was I to open my heart to love and be loved?

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

I thought we were friends.

It´s me, fear. Why do you insist on trying? Just give up. You will fail. They´ll laugh at you. You can´t mess up if you don’t try. Leave things the way they are. All is well as it is.

Don’t be a fool. Like you said, I have protected you in the past and you need me. Don´t expose yourself, you will be let down and then it will be worse. We have gotten along so well keeping our head down and staying out of trouble. Don’t rock the boat now.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

La llave ya estaba en mi manos.

Al permitirnos sentir el miedo y escuchar su mensaje, caen las paredes de la resistencia y notamos que aquello de lo que nos corríamos no es tan malo. El rechazo y la lucha interna es lo que lo intensificaba.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

Ready to take it to the next level?

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” - Albert Einstein. We must go from thinking (linguistics) to acting (emotions) to being (body) for a real and sustainable transformation.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

We are not alone. We are all one.

I know I am all alone and no one will show up to interrupt the encounter with myself in this sacred space, yet I am still looking over my shoulder constantly. What am I looking for? Who am I seeking? Or is someone trying to get my attention?

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

¿El mundo es como es o es como lo ves?

¿Es posible tener un solo pensamiento sin sentir una emoción? Para cambiar de acciones debemos incluir entrar al terreno del actor; observar cómo observamos, a nosotros mismos, al mundo y la manera que interactuamos con el mismo. El modelo de cuerpo, emociones y lingüística nos brinda un camino sencillo y poderoso para lograr la integración de los elementos que componen la dinámica ontológica del ser.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

Sober or game over

My biggest fear is to feel

My biggest feat is to hide

Just can’t handle what is real

Always trying to break outside.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

Sobrevivir vs Sobresalir

¿Qué se ha vuelto transparente en tu vida? ¡Recobra tu vista! Te cambio el “bien vs mal” por “¿me sirve?” - Tú decides. Nadar en lo desconocido y entrar en el campo de lo incierto con curiosidad y apertura activa la creatividad que quizás nunca has experimentado.

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

The shift

It’s been a gift

To recognize this lie

I’ve got so much to give

Feels good to thrive

Together we’re learning

And growing each day

Like gardeners pruning

Dead branches away

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Manuel Tefel Manuel Tefel

San cristo-bal

Fue un día inolvidable. Estoy muy agradecido por ir a pesar del miedo que me decía quedarme en cama. Regresé a casa después de medianoche. Pero la emoción y la euforia de haber logrado esta hazaña asombrosa me tenían maravillado. Y aunque una parte de mí, la que quería regresar a la cama desde las 5 de la mañana finalmente podía hacerlo, otra parte de mi quería disfrutar mi logro.

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Thank you for your interest in my story. I am looking forward to seeing how it will unfold now that you are interweaving yours into it.

One of my childhood dreams was to write an instruction Manuel to life. As a young boy I felt alone and was convinced that pain and suffering was all I could aspire to enjoy in this world. I am the youngest of five and ever since I can remember I had a daunting idea lingering over me that there was no more love, kindness, time or attention for me by the time I came around. My two eldest brothers are 14 months apart in age. There is a seven-year difference between the second born and my eldest sister. She is 14 months older than my other sister who is three years older than me. I grew up wondering where my companion was. My sisters had each other and I saw the same fellowship in my brothers, so who did I have?

Recently my mother told me a story of my childhood. I wanted my nanny to sleep in my room with me. My mom says I had some solid and logical arguments for a four-year-old. Apparently, I had a rebuttal to each objection. There was a spare bed in my room that I presented as a viable option, but what most struck my mom was that I noticed and alluded to the fact that she slept with my dad, my brothers shared a room and so did my sisters. It was hard for her to stay firm before such a compelling argument. No one else in the house slept in a room by themselves and I didn’t want to and didn’t understand why I had to.

This is a perfect example of how I viewed and experienced a big part of my childhood; alone, sad and longing. I felt that I lacked guidance and so I decided I would put my experience together and leave it behind to guide those in similar situations. I am grateful I recognized this to be pretentious. Along the way I realized it would be impossible to put together a manual to live life. Life is too complex and personal. There cannot be a general step by step formula that would apply to all. So, this is my experience, strength, and hope as I learned to say. These stories aim to serve you. You are not alone and do not have to keep trying to do it on your own.