We are not alone. We are all one.

            I left civilization many miles ago. I crossed the raw jungle when the nature path was eaten up by the vegetation. I felt a calling behind a corner that lured me to keep going despite the fear that grew as it thickened. I came to my destination right after a challenging uphill that I almost turned around at right before making my way up. It was a beautiful half circle wall of naturally formed volcanic rocks. Most of the ground was soft and fluffy deep layers of decaying leaves that have been untouched for who knows how long. There were trees toppled over being held by the opposite side where the roots were unearthed by and contributing to the inevitable circle of life. The most majestic tree stood over the center of the top of the wall, towering over the rest while perfectly interwoven, but not apart from. The invitation to sit and listen drew me far more than the fear of one of those trees falling on me. There were many reasons why I shouldn’t and couldn’t do it. First the floor was probably going to be too uncomfortable and filled with insects. I remembered I had a jacket bundled into a ball in my bookbag that served as the perfect sitting cushion. Soon after the mosquitoes became a source of distraction and another reason to call it short and leave, and again, the jacket saved the day. Putting it on made me feel secure and protected from my blood sucking companions and the floor was not at all uncomfortable. Did I actually feel more connected?

            I kept going deeper and deeper inside my own, private nook and cranny of this monumental volcano. All I could see were the hues of green and brown. All I could hear were the crickets, the rustling of the trees in the wind and the howling of the monkeys in the distance. Even in the most secluded places did I feel that someone or someones were watching me. I came this far to be alone with myself. There is no doubt in mind that I am alone, but I am constantly scanning my view in search of eyes. Am I afraid? If so, of what? Am I longing? If so, for what? Am I expecting to be judged? Am I seeking companionship?

            I am certain there is nothing but more forest past the rocks covered with moss that make up the tall wall behind me. The imposing tree that is hovering above me is most likely the first line of many more as far as the eye can see and undisturbed by no one. I know I am all alone and no one will show up to interrupt the encounter with myself in this sacred space, yet I am still looking over my shoulder constantly. What am I looking for? Who am I seeking? Or is someone trying to get my attention?

            Who are you?

            What do you want?

            When I close my eyes I see them revealing themselves out from their hiding places and staring with prying eyes. The feeling of them approaching and closing in on me is overwhelming and then, my open eyes reveal that I am alone.

            But am I?

           Are you a friend or foe? What do you wish to show me? What do you feel I must know? What do you know that I must feel?


Ready to take it to the next level?


¿El mundo es como es o es como lo ves?