Ready to take it to the next level?

The dictionary definition of ontology is the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being, in particular becoming, existence, reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. The ontological method allows us to take a look at the way we take a look at things. It has to do with how we are being in life. Results and performance coaching are very in demand these days, but to me they are more of the same. I can learn to be more effective, but if I don´t take a look at how I am operating, I will more efficiently obtain the same type of results. This is what we call first-order learning.

Ontological coaching provides a space where we can observe how we are showing up in the world. If we don’t like our results, simple, we change our actions. Nowadays this is common knowledge, as well as the saying that defines insanity as doing the same thing expecting different results. So even if we change our actions, we still have to ask ourselves, who is it that acted and who is designing the new one? Something that Albert Einstein actually said is, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. In other words, to reach next level results we must take ourselves to the next level.

Ontological Coaching invites us to take a step back and observe the observer. This can be seen as an intimidating ocean of possibilities we can drown in or something useless that we rather not waste our time with. As we dive into the realm of linguistics, we open the door to realizing that what we thought was the way things are is simply the way we look at things. We can actually pinpoint the one day we started seeing things one way. This empowers us because it means that today we can choose an assessment that will better serve us. This is only one aspect of the ontological dynamic that makes up your observer.

The other two elements are somatics and emotions. Our thoughts are constantly either in the known past or the predictable future, while our bodies are always in the present moment where we have access to our greatest creativity. I´m not only talking about art here, I am talking about creating new and extraordinary results. Did you know that etymologically, emotion simply meant energy in motion? It is that which pushes us into action. It is understandable to cringe at the word emotion. For about 500 years we as humanity have been on a drift towards the rational and the objective and ignoring the rest, practically a third of our being. We are not proposing that we turn on a dime and head the opposite direction, but rather reintegrate ourselves wholly.

Basically, we have three brains. The prefrontal cortex, the limbic system, and the reptilian brain. Simply put, we think, act, and instinctively are thanks to each one, respectively. In order for a transformation to be real and sustainable we must go from thinking (linguistics) to acting (emotions), or rather practicing, to being (body). This is what we mean by integrating the three elements that make up the ontological dynamic that you are. Let me know when you want to schedule a no-cost session to learn how you can connect with your true essence and start walking purposely towards your full potential and marvel as you hit the extraordinary results that have seemed to be just out of reach, but that deep down you know you can accomplish.


La llave ya estaba en mi manos.


We are not alone. We are all one.