


The Master´s Program of International Affairs and Strategic Studies allowed me to dive deeper in the dynamics and elements taken into account to design integral strategies and corresponding action plans that are effective and get the job done. I also honed my debating and negotiating skills. Today, I use this strategic planning mastery to explore and better understand my client´s reality and their vision to support them in co-designing a personalized action plan with specific tasks that make sense to them, as well as the methods to measure their progress. Through closer study of current affairs and important moments in history, I can now better accompany clients that seek to improve their communication skills; specifically in debating, public speaking and negotiating.




As a Newfield Certified Coach, I completed the Coaching for Personal and Professional Mastery program, considered the Harvard of coach certification and executive coaching programs, where I learned to make powerful observations about myself and others in the somatic, linguistic and emotional domains enabling me to become a dynamic and flexible coach adapting my disposition, moves, and tools to serve each unique coachee.

I am here to serve you and support you to make progress in your live in order to attain greater fulfillment, whether that be by improving your relationships, career, or day-to-day issues.

My training in the ontological methodology prepared me to become a skillful facilitator of profound learning to help you generate genuine transformation and more powerful and constructive ways of engaging with different aspects of your personal and professional life.

My experience and success with my clients has empowered me to support you, clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, in order to co-create strategies to overcome them leveraging your unique skill and gifts.

Be Mentally Healthy

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